Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've been here for a month. Holy poo. It's gone by so fast and it makes me really depressed to think that means the 10 months I have left will go by just as fast and I'll be back in boring ol' America. x]
Don't get offended, people back home, I do miss you. I imagine I'll miss you even more as time goes on, but these people that I'm here with now are probably people I'll never see again. Hate to be pessimistic, but it's true. I've got friends from France and Germany and Brazil now and unless we're super dedicated I doubt I'll be getting together with them much after this. Even the people from the US on the east coast.. I dunno. I'm making myself sad! xD Hahah, I think it's funny.. I've got ten months left and I'm already thinking about the things I'll miss; the MRT, the 7/11s, all the adorable asian boys, the exchange students.. the list goes on.

Just wanted to post a short blog celebrate my one month anniversary. :D Tomorrow is the moon festival! Yay! I'm gonna go see this movie:

It's in Thai and it has Chinese subtitles.. Gonna have to practice my reading skills! I most likely won't understand anything, but that's all right. x) I'll enjoy it.


1 comment:

  1. That movie looks like torture, Girlfriend!!! Not only a horror flick, but a horror flick that you can't understand. Whatever floats your boat!
